Friday 11 October 2013


Access your senses
Unlock your unconscious
Transport yourself back
Memories ... positive....revisit
Now.....just here.....

It’s A.U.T.U.M.N.

Just get out there into the countryside and just let all of your senses enjoy the fantastic sights of autumn, the sounds of birds ,the gentle breeze,.. perhaps the sound of silence. Smell the air on a crisp autumn morning or go for a walk in your favourite wood or park. Touch the leaves and branches or  kick about in the fallen autumn leaves. Just allow all your senses to fully absorb the season and RELAX....
How long have you ignored your inner voice, gut feeling, your unconscious?
It’s there all the time... the best friend you ever had.... if you would just listen to it. Just tell your conscious mind to take a hike... and once again be in touch with yourself. Listen to what it is saying.  If you have a problem or issue ... then just find a quiet place... on an autumnal walk... and just let your unconscious mind know about the issue which is troubling you....then listen carefully to your instinct...... your intuition.. . your gut reaction....Not the solution you thought it would be .... well surprise   surprise...and how does this new solution really feel for you.... good... interesting?
As you sit at your favourite spot, in the woods, in the park, by the river, by the lake, by the shore, on top of the hill, or in the find your quiet, peaceful, special place... just allow yourself to drift and be transported to a time and place where you felt calm, at peace and relaxed within yourself.
Just allow yourself to dream, to fly above the world, unlimited and unconditionally just let yourself go....release boundaries... no beginning.. no end... seamless....see what you see....hear what you hear....smell what you smell...taste what you taste....and how are you feeling right now....that’s right...?
Just enjoy.....

Oh what lovely memories autumn brings.... recalling the colours, the sounds, the smells of bonfires, the taste of roasted chestnuts...whatever autumn means positively to you ... just allow yourself.. to take a little time... a few moments now... to just...relive a wonderful ,pleasant ,autumnal memory...
Yes... how good that feels...and allow  that feeling to grow gently inside you....and take it with you for the rest of the day....


Just access your senses
Unlock your unconscious mind
Transport yourself back
Unlimited and unconditionally recall the
Memories positive and revisited
Now....... right now....

Have an awesome autumn.